Permanent Residence

Permanent Residence picture

Permanent residence in South Africa is granted to foreigners who meet the criteria set out in sections 26 and 27 of the Immigration Act and Regulations 22 and 23. VDGS Pty, as South African immigration specialists, is equipped to provide strategic advice and assist with your application for permanent residence.

Section 26 and Regulation 22: Grounds for Direct Residence

1. Holder of a 5-Year South African Work Visa
Applicants must have held a work permit (excluding corporate permits) for five continuous years and have received an offer of permanent employment.

2. Spouse/Life Partner to a South African Citizen or Permanent Resident
Applicants must have been in a good faith spousal relationship (marriage or permanent heterosexual or same-sex relationship) with a citizen or permanent resident for five years in South Africa.

3. Child Under the Age of 21 of a South African Citizen/Permanent Resident
Applicants must be children under 21 of a citizen or permanent resident. Permits are granted with certain conditions.

4. Child of a Citizen
Applicants must be children of South African citizens.

Section 27 and Regulation 23: Other Grounds for Long-Term Residency

a) Permanent Offer of Employment
Applicants must show they have received an offer of permanent employment in South Africa, satisfying that no suitably qualified citizen or permanent resident could fill the position, and the application falls within the critical skills category.

b) Extraordinary Skills or Qualifications
Applicants must demonstrate possession of extraordinary skills or qualifications.

c) Business Permit
Applicants must intend to establish or invest in a business with a minimum investment of R5 million, which may be waived or reduced in certain instances.

d) Refugee Permit
Applicants must be refugees as referred to in section 27(c) of the Refugees Act and provide necessary certification that they will remain refugees indefinitely.

e) Retired Person Permit
Applicants intending to retire in South Africa must prove financial means of R37,000 per month per person via direct annuity income or a combination of assets.

f) High Net Worth Permit
Applicants must prove a minimum net worth of R12 million and pay R120,000 to the Director-General, demonstrating financial security.

g) Relatives Permit
Citizens or permanent residents must prove they are willing to support the applicant, who is a relative.

Application Process

Permanent residence applications generally take up to eight months to process due to required security checks. It is advisable not to apply for permanent residence without an underlying visa.

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