New Remote Work Visa vs. Section 11(2) Visitor’s Visa – What You Need to Know

New Remote Work Visa vs. Section 11(2) Visitor’s Visa – What You Need to Know picture

Remote Work Visa vs. Section 11(2) Visitor’s Visa: Key Differences and Benefits Explained

On 20 May 2024, South Africa introduced significant changes to its visa regulations, most notably the implementation of the Remote Work Visa. This visa is a new addition to the country's immigration options and is tailored for individuals employed by foreign companies who wish to work remotely from South Africa. It’s an exciting development, similar to the digital nomad visas gaining popularity worldwide.

However, it's crucial to distinguish the Remote Work Visa from the Short Term Work Visa, commonly known as the Section 11(2) visa. Both visas cater to different needs and circumstances, and understanding their differences is vital for anyone considering working in South Africa. Here's a detailed comparison to help clarify their unique purposes and requirements:

Remote Work Visa

The Remote Work Visa is designed for foreign nationals who want to live in South Africa while working remotely for an employer based abroad. This visa is particularly appealing to high-earning individuals who wish to take advantage of South Africa's lifestyle and amenities without changing their employment status. Here are the key points:

  • Purpose: Allows foreign nationals to reside in South Africa while employed by a foreign entity abroad, working remotely.
  • Economic Boost: Targets high-earning individuals to stimulate the South African economy.
  • Income Requirement: Applicants must earn a minimum of R1,000,000.00 annually.
  • Duration: Initially granted for up to six (6) months, with the possibility of extension up to thirty-six (36) months within South Africa.
  • Taxation: Foreign nationals holding a Remote Work Visa for more than six months within a 36-month period must register with the South African Revenue Service.

Short Term Work Visa (Section 11(2) Visa)

The Section 11(2) visa, or Short Term Work Visa, is designed for foreign nationals who need to visit South Africa for temporary work purposes. This visa is ideal for those undertaking specific work-related activities on behalf of a foreign employer at a South African host company. Here are the essential details:

  • Purpose: Allows foreign nationals to enter South Africa temporarily for work-related duties.
  • Documentation: Requires proof from both the foreign employer and the South African host company, outlining the nature of the project and the necessity of the foreign national's presence due to their specialized skills and expertise.
  • Duration: Issued for a maximum of 90 days, with a possibility of renewal for an additional 90 days while in South Africa.
  • Reapplication Limitation: A foreign national who has extended this visa for an additional 90 days in a calendar year is not eligible to reapply for this visa within the same calendar year.


The introduction of the Remote Work Visa alongside the existing Section 11(2) visa highlights South Africa's commitment to offering flexible and diverse options for foreign nationals looking to work in the country.

  • Remote Work Visa: Ideal for individuals wanting to enjoy a flexible lifestyle in South Africa while maintaining their foreign employment. This visa supports the local economy by attracting high-income earners.
  • Section 11(2) Visa: Suitable for short-term work assignments, allowing foreign nationals to engage in specific duties on behalf of a foreign employer at a South African company for a limited period.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial for foreign nationals in choosing the most appropriate visa based on their unique circumstances and needs. Both visas serve essential roles but cater to different professional and lifestyle requirements, making South Africa a welcoming destination for a variety of international talents.

For more detailed information and assistance with visa applications, contact Visa Digital Global Solutions. We are dedicated to helping you navigate South Africa's immigration landscape with ease and confidence.

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